Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Little Matilda Jane Love!

I got a small box in the mail today, and Giuliana let me try on a few little goodies, but not much. I was also running out of light, and these are unedited because I'm on my lap top... But anyway, just something to post...

The pants I already had, but I hadn't been able to find the right color "white" to go with them, so they have sat in the closet for a few months. I am glad to say we have a shirt to match that is the right color off white :D

These are both new, and I hadn't planned on having her wear them together, but It was the easiest way to check the fit and so I put them on together haha :)

By the way, if you are wondering what she is looking at, and freaking out about , it's the squirrels up in the trees behind me!

1 comment:

Casey said...

Mitra- She is a doll!! Love those pink pants and the Alicia peasant.