My evenings have been spent trying to get Giuliana to go potty here at home- which I have not done so well at. Seems that she will go all day long at school, at her friends house, at a McDonald's in the middle of no where.. but go at home? No way! That just CAN'T happen! I've been trying, and so has she, but for whatever reason, she just won't go. I'm hoping this week goes a little better.

Last weekend was Carli's 1st birthday. It was a lot of fun, and I tried to get away before the pool part of the party started. Well, as you can see below, that did not go so well. Actually, when she was sad I wouldn't let her go in and I was trying to leave... I got her bathing suit out of the car and let her have at it. What can I say, I'm a sucker for her ;)

This past weekend we were in Tallahassee for my sister's 17th birthday. It was a lot of fun and always nice to see family. However, it was 101 degrees there and "felt like" according to the TV weather man, about 110+ with the heat index. I took Giuliana swimming in the pool with my youngest sister and her girlfriend who was over visiting. It was alot of fun and for the first time, Giuliana would jump in and actually let her self go under the water.

Here is Giuliana & MoMo.. He was watering the plants, so they didn't die in the 100degree heat and Giuliana was attempting to convince him to let her help..Can't you tell...

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