This past weekend we were supposed to go to Elizabeth's baby shower. So, Giuliana and I got all dressed up- I even let her wear jewelry for goodness sakes. Then we hopped in the car and made our way to that side of town. Funny how 1 hour later, and many u-turns, phone calls, and text messages; we could never find the party. The phrase " All dressed up with no where to go " kept creeping into my head. I decided we wouldn't go home, we made all this effort into looking nice, SOMEONE had to see us. So, we went to Chuck and Darlene's house for a little bit. We are there so often they probably didn't even notice that we were in fact all dressed up. I even had on makeup for goodness sakes!
This weekend is another party packed weekend. We have Carli's 1st birthday on Saturday and then a baby shower for Linkon's Mommy- he's going to be a big brother in a few months. So, Saturday will give me another reason to dress her up and take some more pictures.. as if I need a reason, huh? I'm not so sure Giuliana enjoys this though...
No comments from the peanut gallery... Good night!
1 comment:
Evie decided to grace us with her pottiness last as well. Congrats to little G - awww -she is a big girl now!
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