Look at what happens when I leave Giuliana with her Nana and PopPop.. They picked her up from school, and brought her home. M&Ms were on the agenda, a Wal-Mart tee and a Dora hat... Man oh Man.. Nana also sent me this picture when I was gone, with a caption.."Look Mommy, I am a fashion statement"
Wondering where I went? Well, I went to Fort Wayne, Indiana. What could POSSIBLY make me go to Ft Wayne? Matilda Jane, of course. What else?? Denise, the owner/designer at MJC had a big party on Friday night at a local Art Gallery around the corner from the main office. There were a lot of us girls that flew and drove in for the party. What a great time I had. It was WONDERFUL to finally meet Denise and her husband David. They have 2 really cute boys who were fun to play with. Specially that boy Gabe, hes a little older than Giuliana, and SOOO full of fire. I also got to meet some of the Trunk Keepers (Sales Reps) and some of the girls I chat with on the clothing boards. I am waiting on Tami, one of my girlfriends, to send me the pictures she took. Once I get them, I'll post them. For now I only have a few..
This is Amy.. She is from Tampa and her and I have hung out before.. Lucky for us, she was in Michigan already on vacation and Ft Wayne was only a few hours away ;)

This is Tami.. Gosh, she was just GREAT! Her and I spilt a hotel room and rental car. It was a BLAST. She lives too far away.. Colorado :( Good thing her and her family like to come to FL on vacation :D

Last.. and certainly not least.. This is a picture of Tina, Lisa, Sam & I. I am not sure, exactly, what I was laughing at. But whatever it was, obviously it was funny. If I had to guess.. Sam was making jokes about something as the photographer was getting ready to snap the picture.

I'll have more pictures to post once they get emailed to me.. I'll elaborate on my weekend away once I have them.. Blogging isn't as much fun with out photos ;)