Before Giuliana laid down for her nap this afternoon she was requesting that we go for Ice Cream- really she was requesting I TAKE her for ice cream, but whatever. I told her we would go after she took her nap. She promptly said "No, no nite nite me" but with in 5 minutes she was asleep in the backseat of the car. So we came home and I laid her down, and she slept for 4 hrs. But remember, she wasn't tired. HAH! Yeah right. When she got up, I stayed true to my promise, even though she had forgotten it all together. I got her dressed in one of my fave play dresses I picked up from target and I added the perfect accessory.. a bow from Aunt Carol!! I love that she makes bows for Giuliana, and they are always so well made.
At this point she decided it was to much work to use the spoon so she decided she would just bite into it.. but then she hurt her teeth with the she went back to the spoon.. thank goodness!!
Needless to say, it looks like she enjoyed her cotton candy flavored ice cream :)
1 comment:
Thank you Mitra, for the nice compliments on my Bows. Gigi is a beautiful Model for them!
Angel Pie Bows and More
Aunt Carol
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