Well, tonight, The Nana, FINALLY called me after a week long sabbatical and asked me "Why are there no pictures of Nana and Giuliana on your BLOG?!?!?!" I laughed. I told her that there were. I was sure of it. I came home, looked through the blog, and found that there were no pictures of the Nana and Giuliana posted. WHOOPS! My bad. So, tonight's post is all about Nana & Giuliana.
Lori is a great person, and a wonderful Nana (Not Grandmother) to Giuliana. She loves Giuliana, and more importantly, Giuliana loves her too. It's sweet to watch them two together. They argue from time to time, but that's what happens. More often than not Nana is sneaking cookies, M's (M&Ms to most people), or Strawberry bars. Lori spends a lot of time teaching Giuliana the most important lessons in life :
How To Shop & Spend Pop-Pop's Money :D
Nana also takes Giuliana on trips to the beach, and even lets her Momma tag a long for the ride. These pictures I am posting tonight were all taken in Mexico Beach last summer. It's one of the best vacations I have ever had, and truly one of the only ones I think I have ever actually RELAXED during.
Do you know WHY I got to relax while I was in Mexico Beach?? BECAUSE the NANA was there!! You see, when Nana is around, she pretty much takes charge. She's a "take charge kinda girl" and it's sometimes nice to have someone OTHER than myself run and chase after Giuliana.
Everyone should get themselves a Nana, if you're lucky, you'll get one HALF a good as Giuliana's Nana. But then again, Every Nana should have a Giuliana, and I surely know that there is but just ONE of those ;)
So, Nana, How did I do? You have MADE it to the blog. Now you're famous. There was a lot more I wanted to say, some details I wanted to go into. But I'll skip it for tonight. I don't want you to cry when you read this, because you would have ;)
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