Friday, February 20, 2009

Another Quote..and MISC

"Hell Hath No Fury Like That Of A Woman Scorned"

And that is all I am going to say about that.. Use your imgination, I am SURE you won't be far off.

On other notes..

I got my Nikon D80 in the mail yesterday. Let me tell ya, I got an AMAZING deal on that thing! I love it, and I love it even more because I was able to afford it by just WAITING till it was the right time, and the right deal. I paid less than half of retail from a photographer I know from the boards. She wanted to upgrade, so she sold me her current one. Worked for me! I have taken a few pictures with it, but I am going to be really working with it this weekend.

Oh yeah, I'll also be going to Tallahassee this weekend. It is time to see the fam, on both sides.

Giuliana's birthday is next Saturday. I can't wait. I am a little sad, to be honest. She's growing up to fast. She's already fighting with me, and for those of you laughing at me, stop! It's not supposed to happen till shes a teenager!!! Hello, did she not get the memo? sheesh! She's also coming home with notes from school talking to me about her "naughty behavior" as I call it. I don't want to call her bad, or her behavior bad, so naughty was the best I could come up with. I'll be honest, I am also scared. If I already have a very independent child at 2, I fear what she'll be like when she's a head strong teenager who knows all, and is all. Please, someone remind me one day that she once was a sweet child, who loved her Mommy ;)

Do you know she sings songs? She does. Sometimes its the ABCs or Twinkle Twinkle.My fave though, is one she's made up herself.

It goes a little something like this:

"I love Momma. I love Momma"

And as simple as it is, it melts my heart, brings tears to my eyes, and rights all the wrongs all at the same time.

God Bless her. I don't know where i'd be without her.

1 comment:

Ella Sophie Photography said...

I love your banner on top and the saying. Now I know why you disappeared. Hope you have a fun time with your family.