It's crazy when I sit down and look at this blog and realize that so much time has ACTUALLY gone by, when it really doesn't seem as if it's possible. Well, it is, apparently. It's been 6 months and I wonder where the time has gone... I am really going to try to get better at this.. One day, I hope to get it printed into a book and keep it for Giuliana. Maybe she'd like to have it, or maybe she'll think I was crazy for doing it. Who knows.. I am clearly hoping for the 1st response. Ah well.. Only time will tell. She's got so much personality that it's hard to tell what she'll think or do.
Speaking of "The Queen"... That's what I have been referring to her lately. She started watching the Disney princess movies a few months back and she picked up key phrases like " Your royal highness " and variations of that. Ever since then, she's been " The Queen ".
Her birthday was in Feb. She's a big girl of 3 now and she is careful to remind me of that whenever she feels like it is going to drive her point home. She never uses it at the right now, like a lot of her points, but they sure are funny. I hope I remember them for years to come, I try to capture as much of this time in my head as possible in hopes that the memories stay with me for a life time.
The weather has finally come around and it's been beach weather since about Mid March. We started going about the end of March and we've been pretty much every weekend since then. She enjoys the beach. She runs through the waves, chases them back out, and then shrieks and runs from them as if they are chasing her back into the shore. It's a lot of fun to watch. I enjoy watching her be a kid and be innocent. It's nice. It relaxes me to just be AT the beach but to see her enjoy it so much-- well, that's just a plus.
In a few weeks Giuliana is moving into a new classroom. It's sort of like a Pre-K. She goes to a private school and they have their own way of doing things. People thought I was crazy when they found out I was putting her there (she was 4 mths old when she started) and that there was no way an infant would learn to sign to me before she would speak to me. Well, she did. She's learned everything they have tried to teach her-- INCLUDING how to write her own name. Yep, she's 3 years old, and she's learning to write. Wanna know the best part? She actually enjoys it and comes home and wants to work in her workbooks or color inside the lines. Her teachers are impressed with her ability to pick up and retain things. She's done really well. I'm proud. Now, if we could just get her to focus on ONE thing at a time and maybe, just maybe, LISTEN to her Momma :)
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