Have I ever told you how much I love holiday weekends? Well, I do. I think I like them better than I like vacations to be honest. I look forward to them for at least 6weeks before it's actually here. Is that weird? I suppose it could be. But hey, I never claimed to be main-stream.
This weekend we went to Tampa to see Julie and Brandon who live over there, and Lori and Dave drove down from Tallahassee to see us all too. Julie had quite a "honey-do" list for Dave. Poor guy, worked all weekend. BUT, when all the chores were done we got to spend today (Monday) at Anna Maria island, which was a lot of fun, and SO very beautiful. Lori and I both agreed that we were moving there, and never going home again... Somehow, that didn't really pan out, but look at the picture above and tell me it didn't sound like a PERFECT idea. That was the 1st thing we saw after we parked and started walking down to the beach from the side street we parked on.
I limited the amount of stuff I brought along for this trip and only brought her bucket, shovel & wagon with us. Less is more I keep telling myself. Thankfully she never did ask me where the rest of her toys were. I didn't really know what I would have said had she asked. I think one of the things Giuliana likes most about the beach is that shes allowed to get all dirty, and dig in the sand, and get it every where.
And then of course, what trip to the beach would be complete without 2 passed out kiddies in the back seat? Neither of them had the slightest clue that I even took this picture, and it's adorable.
On the way home tonight Giuliana says " Miiisssss you " in the back seat, to which I replied " I miss you too honey" just assuming that she was talking to me. She yelled back at me " No Momma!!! Brandon miss me, not you!!". She sure loves that boy!
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