It's been really cold here this past week- well, cold for us anyway. A few mornings last week it was in the low to mid 20s, and for Florida, that's pretty darn cold! Giuliana and I both don't own clothes for that sort of weather so we were very "layered" on those days. I was even able to break out her gloves from last year so that he hands wouldn't be as cold- yes, they still had the tags on them.
One of the mornings, I think it was Thursday, my car was COVERED in ice. I didn't realize it was a problem really till I got into the car and tried to look through my front windshield. I couldn't see. It took me a minute to figure out what I was going to do about it- and finally decided to turn up the heat and stand outside with my drivers license and try to scrape all of the ice off. I was cursing Mother Nature at that point, and it took FOREVER to get it all cleared away!
All of the cold weather was worth it though- today was beautiful. TODAY is why people move to Florida, or live here during the winter. It was 50-60 degrees this morning and warmed all the way up to 72 degrees :)
I took Giuliana to Tampa today for a belated 30th birthday party ( I didn't take any pictures, whoops!) for Tony. Now Tony turned 30 back in September, but he was serving our glorious country over in Iraq so we've all been waiting- his wife more anxiously than the rest of us- for him to come home. He's not home for good, only for 18 days, but it sure was nice to see him, and to see his wife so happy. The last time he saw Giuliana she wasn't even walking, so today was quite a treat.
We taught her how to say " Happy Birthday" a few weeks ago, and today in the car on the trip over we added " Tony" to the phrase, so after a while, and after things calmed down she started saving it over and over. I asked her if she was ready to go tell him Happy Birthday and she said yes, so I took her over there and told him and I said :
"Giuliana has something she wants to tell you Tony."
to which he smiled and stood there waiting on her.. She just looked around for a few seconds, and almost APPEARED to be shy..
Next thing I know, she says ever so QUIETLY "HappY Firthday To-ney"
I was proud.. what can I say ;)
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