Giuliana is standing in front of the TV watching GO DIEGO, GO! and I decided it was time to update my blog.
Everything is going well around here. I started a new job,and I like it pretty well. Its something all together new, so it means its a lot to learn and retain. I also now work for an hourly wage, and I never have done that before. I'm not used to having to account for my "time" down the minute, so I am learning how to to keep better track of myself and my time at lunch. Being on time to work has never been an issue, I have always been one to be early. I suppose it has something to do with being late one time about 7 years ago, and the GSM at the dealership made me unlock, start, and shut off every car on the lot.. in JULY. So, yeah being on time to work has never been an issue since.

I took Giuliana last weekend to Tampa to see some family, and while I was there I went to Amy C's house. I have NEVER seen so many clothes for one child in my LIFE! When the girl says that her daughter has 4 walkin closets full of clothes, she was not under stating herself. She's serious. Its not ALL Matilda Jane. But a vast majority of it is. She also has a lot of boutique brands, and some Euro brands as well. Her daughter is one well dressed kid lol. Anyway, the trip to Tampa was a lot of fun. Lori and Dave, AKA Nana and PopPop always have so much fun with Giuliana and she always comes home with a but of a 'tude, but with in a few days I usually have it all resolved.

I also took Giuliana to the circus while it was in town. We went her main guy, Linkon, and his Mom too. It was a lot of fun and she did much better than I would have expected. She was pretty good and payed attention to most of it. I think we left about 15 minutes early, but it was alright. I too had never been to the circus, so it was a first for both of us.
I love this snappy top, It took forever for me to find, but I obviously was pateint enough, and low and behold, here we have it.. I think the colors are great for Giuliana and it's such a fun top, and even looks great with jeans!

Now these I took this morning. The dress Giuliana is wearing is actually supposed to be a top, but either its cut longer, or she is shrinking ;) I really cant even begin to tell ya how cute I thought she looked today, and even my Mother, who typically doesn's take photos or photograph well, looks great in this one!

And in this one we have Grammy AKA Mammy..

1 comment:
Hey! What a sweetie!! I don't think she could be any cuter!!
Good to catch up... seems like things are going well.. so glad to hear about your job. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
Now. I really want to see Amy's closet(s). HAHA!! Impressive.
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