I love the Holidays. Doesn't everyone?? Sure, there is a lot of work to be done and a lot of money gets spent. But they are also so rich in the things that really matter. I share laughs, good times, and great food with some of the best and greatful people. This Holiday Season is no different!
Halloween was a lot of fun, and Giuliana was a Florida State Cheerleader :) I loveeddd it! It was hard to get some pictures of her in her costume because the child doesn't like to sit still, but hey, some is better than none!

Stacey put on this costume and I thought Giuliana was going to scream. I figured she would have been okay with is, she saw her put the mask on.. but it didnt matter. It took her about 30 minutes of trick-or-treating with her before she finally decided that it was okay to hold hands with her even though she didnt look like "Aunt Stacey"

For Thanksgiving we went back to Tallahassee to see Giuliana's family ( on her Dad's side) and then of course my Father's side of the family too. It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed seeing everyone. As usual, Giuliana was sick, but thats usually how it is when we travel. She managed to get all stuffy, and then of course, she also got a stomach bug (which she then passed on to me and I was layed up allll last weekend sicker than a dog, go figure!). I did get a few pictures here and there, not near as many as I usually take, but I was busy trying to take care of her and keep her sitting still so she didnt upset her stomach all the time.
Ashley GreatGrandma Marna Jillian & Dave

Ashley Jillian Stephanie & ME!

Jillian & Cody

Aunt Jillian & Giuliana

"Cheeeeese MOM!"

Playing games with Lori and Julie

My Sister Parisa & I

I wanted to take a nice picture of Giuliana, and this was what she gave me.. she's a comedian!

Stacey Julie & Giuliana at the FSU vs UF (game) party we went to...Stacey is a little confused which of the 2 teams she roots for.. she was half Nole and half Gator!

Giuliana & Jacob with Aunt Lisa, Aunt Sharon & Aunt Stephanie

Just imagine if I would have taken a BUNCH of pictures.. haha!!
Now that we have Thanksgiving done, It's been CHIRSTMAS all month long. All Giuliana wants to do is go look for xmas lights, trees, or sing xmas songs. It's really sweet. I love that she is as into the Holidays as I was as a kid. I suppose that the Holidays really *ARE* more for the kids than the adults. Today we are going to finally put the tree up and get some lights and decorations going. She's been asking for her "own tree" for about a week or so now... I figure it prob about time I get her one :) I'll try to take some pictures to post.