Giuliana had "Picture Day" today at school. They do it every October. I will be interested to see the pictures next to each other, this years and lasts. I wonder how different she will look to me. I see her every day, so I don't see the changes everyone else does. Anyhow, I was trying to decide for the past few days what she should wear for her pictures today, and I couldn't decide. No matter what outfit I came up with, I decided against it. I ended up putting her in a solid brown dress (Brownie Lap) and a coral/peach colored long sleeved tee (Cora LS tee) and a pair of mushroom tights (Mushy Tights) under the dress. It was cute. I more than likely could have come up with some thing better, but that was all I could think of. I think they are doing retakes tomorrow, so maybe I can get a different outfit picked out and have them retake them tomorrow.

Have I ever told you how much I love that girl? Well, I do. I love her from here to the stars and back again. I don't know what I did in life before her, and I haven't a clue what I will do in life after I am done raising her. I'm not naive, she won't want to live with Mommy forever, but I do hope that the next 16 years and 4 months don't go by too quickly.
I went to a wedding over the weekend. My friend Jerry from high school got married to a lovely girl named Christina. Now, Jerry and I have been friends for 10 years, and he was never the "Marrying kind" if you know what I mean, he wasn't even good at relationships. But this one seems to stick, which is a good thing. Last year they had TWINS about 3 months after I had Giuliana. Christina looked beautiful, and cried all the way down the isle and through her vows. You could tell that she really loves him, which is wonderful. Jerry has always gotten a bad rap- his fault of course- but he deserves a girl that loves him from his head to his toes, and all that goes with him.

Hrmm... what else...I am sure that there is more I should update on, but I just can't seem to get my thoughts in order. Even now, as I type, random thoughts are in and out quicker than I can jot them down.
Ah well. I have some pictures to post from Jerry's wedding, and some more recent ones of Giuliana, but I don't have them with me. I'll work on that later.