Hey Everyone :) I have decided to start this blog. I think it may be easier to keep people up to speed on whats going on with Giuliana and I. Plus, this will save me from having to journal as much (You can have "Blog Books"made) and I wont have to bogg people's email down with pictures of Little Girl...
So, to catch people up...
Giuliana is 14 mths old now. Shes walking and talking to the best of her ability. She has a little boyfriend in school who she absolutely adores :) Its the sweetest thing to watch them follow eachother around or sit next to eachother for snack/lunch. I am going to work on getting her some swimming lessons because here in Florida there are pools everywhere and just as many lakes. I'll post some pictures of her just as soon as I can figure out how to :)
We are planning on taking a few trips this summer. One of which is to Illonois to have a family reunion over the 4th of July. My Mother and Grandmother have decided that its a good idea to drive there.
ALL THE WAY FROM FLORIDA. I'm not so sure its going to be a fun time, but hey, whatever. I guess we'll try it :) Giuliana and I will also be going with the otherside of the family to Mexico Beach for a week. That should be a lot of fun. Giuliana loves the beach, and I like the peace and quiet that comes with it :) Plus, its a much shorter drive than Illonois :)
Pictures: If I did it right there should be a few pictures that Allison from VonGrovelandPhotography.com took of Giuliana the other day. Some of her in a pretty tutu and then one of her outside on her ride-n-go toy :) I also posted-or tried to- pictures of Giuliana at "Water Day"at her day care. Hope it worked! They Should be right above this post :)